When we used to rent films.
From the video shop?
Pick a film.
Watch it.
Take it back.
OK forget to take it back. Sometimes.
But mostly.
It was a totally clutter free way to watch our favourite movies.
THEN videos and DVDs, they got cheap.
Seriously cheap.
I mean, I used to grab a movie for under a fiver most Fridays on the way back from work.
It seemed like a good thing.
A bargain.
UNTIL we ended up with a home full of hundreds and hundreds of DVDs.
And yeah some of them are great.
Seriously great.
But mostly we watch Netflix. Or Amazon Prime.
Because it’s easier than rooting through all those boxes and boxes of forgotten DVDs to find one we fancy.
So today we’re going to declutter all those old videos and DVDs we are NEVER going to watch again …
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things – DVDs & Videos
As always we’ll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on our DVDs & videos
- Open our eyes to those we’ll never watch again
- And without yanking them all out
- Spot any we’re ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for all of these …
- Damaged
- Hated
- Kids stuff
- Nothing to play it on
- Won’t watch again
- Why do we have 5?
- Easily available online
- I could borrow it
- Never watched, won’t watch it
- Really??!!!!
Lots of charity shops will take DVDs and videos.
Or you can trade them in at sites like Decluttr in the US or Ziffit, Zapper or orMomox in the UK.
Like so much of our clutter, DVDs seem small.
BUT when we’re talking hundreds.
And lots of us have hundreds.
They waste enormous space.
So great job for all those you let go.
But for an extra little nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
What are your 10 all time favourite movies that you own on DVD?
The ones you truly could watch over and over.
Pick them out.
Put them on a shelf together.
Where you can see them easily.
Maybe even give them a clean.
Put all the rest in a box.
Don’t go through them.
Just put them in the box.
Confident you’ve got the movies that actually matter.
Where you need them.
And store the box away.
Give yourself a month.
Enjoy life without them.
And then take the whole lot to a charity shop.
Without going through it.
Now. OK. So this is NOT a little nudge.
It’s a HUGE shove.
BUT if you’ve been decluttering daily with just 10 things for a couple of months now.
You MAY be ready for this.
Don’t worry if you’re not.
But if you are. Go for it.
Focus on the the small number of things you truly value.
And pass on the rest.