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Just 10 Things – 75 Face Care


Declutter all those unused lotions and potions cluttering up the bathroom cabinet and enjoy the space of a clutter free bathroom #declutter #decluttering #clutterfree #smallspace #bathroom #facecare
Why oh why oh why??!!

Do we fall for them.

Over AND over.

Those ads.

That promise us.

Eternal youth in a bottle.

In exchange for our hard earned cash.

Only to be disappointed. AGAIN.

Because the wrinkles.

And the blemishes.

And the gruesome grey pallor.

Won’t shift.

Or worse still.

The hideously expensive stuff smells foul.

And brings us out in a rash.

BUT we do.

Fall for the fake promises.

Again. And again. And again.

And THEN we keep ALL the stupid potions.

That don’t work.

For years. Literally.

BECAUSE we feel so guilty about forking out so much money on something we don’t use.

So today, I am declaring an OFFICIAL amnesty …

You MAY chuck out all your unused fancy health care WITHOUT feeling guilty.

You just have to promise me ONE thing.

We’ll come to it in a moment …

If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.

Just 10 Things  – Face Care

As always we’ll stick to the just 10 things rules:

  • Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
  • Focus on face care lotions & potions
  • Open our eyes to all those we don’t use and haven’t used in ages
  • And without yanking stuff out 
  • Spot any we’re ready to let go

Keeping our eyes peeled for …

  1. Cleansers
  2. Toners
  3. Moisturiser
  4. Face masks
  5. Night cream
  6. Eye gel
  7. Face scrub
  8. Wipes
  9. Lip balm
  10. Cotton wool

A massive well done for anything you let go.

It’s NOT easy is it?

BUT we’re not going to get our money back by keeping stuff we haven’t used in years.

Are we?

However expensive it was.

So we NEED to let go of the guilt.

Along with our face care clutter.

And REMEMBER the big secret behind the glowing complexions of the Kate Middletons and Meghan Markles of the world ISN’T for all their wealth, the fancy potions they use, it’s their good health.

They truly do exercise daily, drink loads of water, eat heaps of veg, stay off the sugar and get a good night’s sleep – and YES that last one is easier with staff!! – and so can we.

WITHOUT forking out a load of our money.

So here’s the deal.

In exchange for decluttering your unused face care lotions and potions GUILT FREE, let’s all promise to make one tiny daily change this week that really will make our skin look better.

Nothing big.

Just an extra glass of water every day.

Or an extra helping of green veg.

Or a 10 minute walk round the block after our meal.

Or going to bed 30 minutes earlier.

Minus our phones.

Tiny things that make a difference.

But don’t cost a thing.

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