Chuck out photographs?
We can’t. Can we?
It’s sacrilege isn’t it?
Destroying our past?
Not really no.
BECAUSE you see the thing is.
These days, we are swamped by them.
As snapping pics got cheaper and cheaper over the years.
We took more and more and more.
Until we ALL had boxes and bags stuffed full with them under beds and in attics.
But NO space to sit down.
And enjoy them.
And share them.
And keep open that precious connection with days past.
So today we’re going to START letting go.
Of all those photos that do NOT hold special memories.
And make space to enjoy those that do …
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things – Unloved Photos
We’ll do things a bit differently today.
Because there’s no getting away from it.
Letting go of photos is hard.
And it’s not quick.
So what I want you to do is pour yourself a cup of tea or coffee.
Or any other drink you can relax with
And sit down for 15 minutes with:
- A box of photos
- And a big envelope
Start going through the photos.
Pretty quickly.
And put in a pile to bin those that bring NO pleasure.
You’ll almost certainly find obvious ones like these …
- Blurred
- Over exposed
- Under exposed
- Dull
- Duplicates
- Embarrassing
- Red eye
- Who’s that?
- Negatives
- Old film cartridges
We’re never going to get pleasure from them.
So let’s let them go.
BUT if you do spot any you just love.
Pop them in the big envelope.
Do this for 15 minutes. Maximum.
Don’t sort. Don’t file. Don’t make complicated decisions.
Just chuck the obvious. And save the specials in the envelope.
And at the end of 15 minutes, make sure the chuckables go IN the bin.
NOW. I have to be honest.
You will only skim the surface.
We ALL just have so many pictures.
But throwing away ANY photos is a big start.
AND we’ve got the beginnings of a special collection.
Just a small one.
We can make space for.
So we can sit down easily, whenever we like.
And enjoy those moments again.
It will take time to go through all your pictures.
But put aside 15 minutes once a week.
Create a little ritual around it.
And do some extra on any days when my just 10 things category isn’t quite right for you.
And before you know it, you’ll have let go of a lot of photos.
Whilst actually strengthening your connections with your past.