It’s ALWAYS a good idea isn’t it?
To stock up on supplies.
And be prepared.
For things running out and breaking and wearing out.
BECAUSE we never know when we might need them.
And so we buy stuff in bulk.
ALL sorts of stuff.
Batteries. Matches. Printer cartridges. Disposable razors. First aid stuff. Toilet paper. Light bulbs. The lot.
BUT then something strange happens to LOTS of us.
And we keep buying.
More batteries. More printer cartridges. More light bulbs.
And it’s not like its frivolous.
They’re ALL very sensible things.
But when we keep buying them. And buying them. And buying them.
It’s NOT about being prepared.
It’s about some weird squirreling instinct we humans have.
Deep down.
Plus big dollops of anxiety and stress.
Or for some of us boredom and lack of purpose.
PLUS for many of us these days a shopping addiction.
And TOGETHER these turn our cupboards and our basements and our sheds and our spare rooms and under the bed and our attics and our garages into mini warehouses.
FULL of supplies we have NO need for.
So today we’re going to let some of them go.
And as we’ve been talking the last few days about light and our need to shine a spotlight on small areas of clutter, we’re going to start symbolically with light bulbs.
And let go of stock piles we don’t need …
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things – Light Bulbs
As always we’ll stick to the just 10 things rules:
- Take 5 minutes or so, 15 minutes max
- Focus on light bulb
- Open our eyes to those we don’t need
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot any we’re ready to let go
Keeping our eyes peeled for any of these we have that don’t actually fit any light in our homes …
- Edison
- Small edison
- Bayonet caps
- Small bayonets
- Torch
- Dimmer
- Spotlight
- Floodlight
- Fluorescent tubes
- Solar
We can them to the job lot of lighting stuff we’ve been collecting the last three days. And we’re going to get it at of the house as soon as we possibly can.
Post it as a job lot on Facebook.
Or ring your council and find out where you can dispose of it all.
Well done for everything you let go.
And remember, every day you let go of one little area of clutter, you’re a lantern bearer shining a path – sure and steady – through to the light and space and happiness of a life free from the burden of clutter.
Keep shining.