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Frugal Eco Friendly Energy Saving Tips To Cut Utility Bills


Frugal living, DIY energy saving tips and hacks to cut utility bills and heating bills, save money and keep your home warm this winter whether a house or apartment and be eco friendly and reduce your carbon footprint #energysaving #frugalliving #savemoney #moneysaving #utilitybills #energytips #ecofriendly #environment #heatingbillsPost includes affliate links, read here how these work.

It’s winter. It’s cold.

And our heating and utility bills can send a BIG chill through our heart!! Can’t they?

When we’re juggling Christmas spend.

BUT I have found a whole bunch of simple, DIY energy saving tips to save money.

WHILST keeping our homes – whether big house or tiny apartment – warm and cosy.

And they’re NOT just fabulously frugal.

These energy saving tips are eco friendly too.

And will help us live in a more sustainable, green way and reduce our carbon footprint.

WITHOUT the cost and complication of insulation, solar panels or wind turbines.

Sounds good? Perhaps too good, huh?

I mean, can we really save much money on utility bills with a few frugal tips?

Well, I’ve discovered we can.

BECAUSE together these tiny tips – done right – are hugely powerful. Here’s how.

The Huge Snowballing Power of Tiny Energy Saving Tips

You’ve heard of Dave Ramsey right?

And his snowball trick for debt reduction.

Well we can also use the snowball method to cut our heating and electricity bills.

We start small with the tiny energy saving tips that don’t cost anything to do.

I’ve a big list of 50 energy savers for you below.

Sticking to some of these can save us 10%.

Really getting into the habit and sticking to more energy saving tips we can save 20%.

Typically this IS a £500 a year saving. Hurrah!!

Now we could just pocket that.

Or pay off Christmas debt.

BUT we can get the snowball rolling and save more IF we invest a bit on a few energy savers.

This could be:

AND these energy savers save us more. SO next year we save £800 on our energy bills.

And so the snowball keeps growing bigger.

We save energy. Invest some of the savings in more energy savers. And save more.

Whoop, whoop, whoop!!!

And ALL that energy saving on our utility bills is eco friendly and good for the planet.

So let’s get started.

Energy saving, eco friendly, frugal, sustainable simple tips to cut home utility and heating bills this winter to keep your house or apartment warm, save money go green and reduce your carbon footprint without the cost of solar panels or wind turbines #energytips #ecofriendly #frugal #sustainable #utilitybills #carbonfootprint #savemoney #moneysaving #environment #enerysaving


50 Simple Frugal Ways To Save Money On Utility Bills

And here we go.

A massive list of simple energy saving tips.

To cut utility and heating bills …

  1. Let kids get grubby … don’t give them a bath every night. This also seems to build their immunity.
  2. Turn thermostat down little by little
  3. Wear big furry slippers
  4. Wear vests … simple layering makes a massive difference
  5. Wear thermals
  6. Put a sweater on
  7. Switch lights off when leave a room … heh, the Queen does it, so surely we can!
  8. Shut doors after you
  9. Only boil amount of water you need
  10. Draw curtains at dusk
  11. Put lids on pans
  12. Air dry clothes
  13. Don’t charge phones over night
  14. Hang clothes to dry so don’t need ironing
  15. Cover key holes
  16. Turn kitchen radiators off when cooking
  17. Put small pans on small rings
  18. Time showers
  19. Turn hot water thermostat down a notch
  20. Use quick wash on washing machine
  21. Soak very mucky clothes before washing
  22. Do 1 less wash weekly by rewearing clothes
  23. Put draught extinguishers in front of doors
  24. Run full loads in dishwasher
  25. Run full loads in washing machine
  26. Fill sink with hot water don’t let it run
  27. Share baths
  28. Switch microwave off at the wall
  29. Use switch strips to quickly switch gadgets off at wall all in one go
  30. Don’t block radiators
  31. Don’t dry washing on radiators – blocks heat
  32. Wash at 30 degrees when can
  33. Fix window latches to keep draughts out
  34. Wear bed socks
  35. Switch to energy saving light bulbs
  36. Have a bake day so not switching oven on for just one thing
  37. Turn oven off 10 minutes before food done
  38. Don’t open front door until all ready to leave
  39. Bleed radiators regularly
  40. Time heating to go off before bedtime
  41. Wrap yourself in a cosy blanket to watch TV
  42. Snuggle up with a hot water bottle
  43. Have boiler serviced regularly
  44. Turn off radiators in rooms not using
  45. Dust the condenser coil at back of fridge
  46. Open curtains wide on sunny days in winter
  47. Unplug unconnected chargers
  48. Towel dry hair
  49. Use steamer with sections so can cook more than one veg in same pan
  50. Bone up one one pot meals

Just pick 5 or 10 tips to get started.

Get the whole family involved.

Especially the kids BECAUSE they are so fabulously eagle eyed and draconian at spotting grown up failings!!!

And every week, as you turn these tiny energy saving tips into super powered energy saving habits ADD some more in.

AND start to think about a few small eco friendly, energy saving tips to invest in.

To snowball your savings faster and faster.

10 Eco Friendly Energy Saving Tips To Invest In

Wind turbines, solar panels and the like CAN cut energy bills and our carbon footprint.

BUT big energy saving, eco friendly changes to the design and sustainability of our homes ARE way too expensive for must of us as a way to snowball energy saving.

Small wind turbines are £1,000 to £3,000.

And solar panel installations £5,000+.

The good news is there ARE small, frugal energy saving, eco friendly changes we can afford.

Here are just a few pretty frugal ideas to get your snowball rolling …

  1. Buy a window insulator kit
  2. Put reflector foil behind radiators
  3. Install a chimney pillow
  4. Fix a water efficient shower head
  5. Buy thicker curtains for the winter – look out for vintage ones
  6. Line curtains
  7. Put a curtain over the front door
  8. Put a shelf over radiators to reflect heat/li>
  9. Have all windows reputtied to cut draughts
  10. Insulate the attic

So there you go. A whole load of simple frugal energy saving tips.

That can save you more and more money.

And are eco friendly too. I hope they help.

Do let me know how you get on.

Frugal living, DIY energy saving tips and hacks to cut utility bills and heating bills, save money and keep your home warm this winter whether a house or apartment and be eco friendly and reduce your carbon footprint #energysaving #frugalliving #savemoney #moneysaving #utilitybills #energytips #ecofriendly #environment #heatingbills

Use these DIY frugal living tips and hacks to snowball energy saving cut utility bills  and heating bills,  save money and keep your home warm this winter whether a house or apartment and be  eco friendly and reduce your carbon footprint #energysaving #frugalliving #savemoney #moneysaving #utilitybills #energytips #ecofriendly #environment #heatingbills
Energy saving, eco friendly, frugal, sustainable simple tips to cut home utility and heating bills this winter to keep your house or apartment warm, save money go green and reduce your carbon footprint without the cost of solar panels or wind turbines #energytips #ecofriendly #frugal #sustainable #utilitybills #carbonfootprint #savemoney #moneysaving #environment #enerysaving
Frugal living, DIY energy saving tips and hacks to cut utility bills and heating bills, save money and keep your home warm this winter whether a house or apartment and be eco friendly and reduce your carbon footprint #energysaving #frugalliving #savemoney #moneysaving #utilitybills #energytips #ecofriendly #environment #heatingbills
Energy saving, eco friendly, frugal, sustainable simple tips to cut home utility and heating bills this winter to keep your house or apartment warm, save money go green and reduce your carbon footprint without the cost of solar panels or wind turbines #energytips #ecofriendly #frugal #sustainable #utilitybills #carbonfootprint #savemoney #moneysaving #environment #enerysaving

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