We’re bombarded, aren’t we, every which way we move with a constant barrage of clutter!
We can’t leave our homes without coming back with great bagfuls of stuff we do not need or want or actually get any pleasure from.
And it sneaks in through the letter box.
Every single day.
And then, and then … !!! … there are birthdays and Christmas. Do not even get me started on birthdays and Christmas …
More and more and more things.
Some of them are without question wonderful. But too many to enjoy. Too many to value deeply. Too many to look after. Or store without turning our home into a small warehouse.
So what – we all cry – can we do?
How are on earth can we keep clutter out and stop it from taking over our homes and leaving us – let’s be honest – miserable inside.
How Can We Keep Clutter Out?
The great news is, there are easy ways to clear clutter. And no, not Marie Kondo. This much easier method transformed my home.
But it was these 10 super powered tips that stopped more clutter sneaking in.
These tips change how we shop and help us say a big fat “NO” to all the advertisers trying daily to turn our homes into storage units.
So do give them a go.
And for more help in the battle against clutter join me on my Facebook page. It’s a little daily nudge to help you enjoy life clutter free.
10 Tips To Keep Clutter Out
- Stop stockpiling stuff you will never eat or use. Repeat after me: my home is not a warehouse, my home is not a warehouse.
- Beware of bargains : it’s not a bargain if you never eat, wear, use or enjoy it. You may as well flush money down the loo. Don’t fall for the weasel words of the marketeers. Hold onto your hard earned cash.
- Blag and borrow everything you can before buying it. Tools, gadgets, camping stuff, sports equipment, fancy clothes, books and more can all be borrowed these days. And then – hurrah! – be given back. So we don’t have the hassle of storing them.
- Give up on the over gifting : many of us now have more stuff than we’ll ever have time to enjoy. Gifting each other even more things, however generously meant, can actually be cruel not kind. So this year gift your time and your love, not more clutter.
- Unsubscribe, unsubscribe, unsubscribe from magazines, catalogues, shopping clubs, marketing lists or anything else which gives someone permission to shove clutter through your door and encourage you – see #1 – to turn your home into a warehouse.
- Refuse freebies because clutter comes at too high a price for most of us. It steals our space and our sanity so say no to: t-shirts, caps, mugs, pens and any other planet polluting tat people try to dump on you.
- Don’t buy two when one will do : buying more means wasting more and most of those BOGOF “deals” we grab, end up as a mouldy mess at the back of the fridge or festering in the freezer. The best way to save money is to buy only what we need.
- Stop one stop shopping : one click shopping is meant to make life easy. But you know what? Clutter is never convenient. It jams cupboards and shelves and spilling over the floor wreaks havoc in our homes, causing chaos and arguments every day.
- Leave the leaflets : I’m a sucker for a little leaflet. You too? But leave them. If by some bizarrely, remote chance you ever need the info, it’s online. Those leaflets just bury the few important documents we need to keep even further under a mountain of mess.
- Stop keeping up with the Jones : they are drowning in clutter too!!! And debt. And it’s making them just as miserable as you. So seriously, slow down, breathe deep, stop spending and keep the clutter out.
I really hope these clutter free living tips help.
They are big mind changers and it is much easier to stick to them if we know “the Jones” are trying to live clutter free too!!
So do come and join me on Facebook and sign up for my free support newsletter.
You will also find loads of practical tips in this big declutter guide. These are the tips I used to reclaim my home from clutter and make some money whilst I was at it.