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Natural Remedies For Stomach Ache & Indigestion

Natural Remedies For Stomach Ache & Indigestion

There are so many stomach ache and indigestion remedies out there for us to choose from but loads of us still struggle to find a remedy that gives ongoing relief.

Part of the problem is obviously stomach ache and indigestion comes in many forms.

Symptoms can be anything from bloating and gas through heartburn and acid reflux to that horrible feeling our stomach is red raw inflamed and twisted in knots.

But the real reason these stomach ache remedies don’t give relief is that they don’t tackle the underlying reasons our stomachs feel so inflamed so much of the time.

Causes of Stomach Ache

The underlying cause of chronic, low level stomach ache for many of us is that our gut is inflamed. And our gut is inflamed because of a rubbish diet of processed food, low fibre, dodgy fats, sugar, alcohol and caffeine plus lack of proper sleep and stress.

Together, these have trashed all the good bacteria our stomach needs to look after itself and prevent indigestion.

Crazily too many OTC stomach ache and indigestion remedies – make matters worse.

Problems With Stomach Ache Remedies

Lots of stomach ache and indigestion remedies – plus massive over use of antibiotics – make our gut microbiome more imbalanced. They actually cause our gut to over react to try and correct this, hence the horrible, angry feeling of inflammation that can be so painful.

Obviously in the long term the real remedy that will give stomach ache and indigestion relief is to eat and live much, much better.

If you’re ready for that big life change do check out Look at Josh Axe or the GAPS Diet or if you’re a fellow Brit The Clever Guts Diet.

But in the meantime we need to choose natural remedies that work with our gut microbiome to provide relief.

I have found these seven, simple, natural remedies for stomach ache and indigestion really do provide quick but ongoing relief.

Do save them for quick reference, give them a go and let me know how you get on and for more simple health tips follow me on Pinterest and check out these other natural remedies.

Natural Remedies for Stomach Ache & Indigestion

7 Natural Remedies For Stomach Ache & Indigestion

  • Bicarbonate of Soda : bicarb – baking soda to you Americans – is the simplest age old recipe for gassy stomach ache and acid reflux. Quarter of a teaspoon in a glass of water will instantly reduce the acid in our stomach without messing with anything else. Baking soda is a brilliant natural go to for everything from laundry stains to dodgy pet smells and is a natural disinfectant so do keep it stocked.
  • Natural live yoghurt : a big dollop of natural live yoghurt proves the most fabulous instant, gentle relief from an inflamed stomach – it’s my go to instant remedy – but it has to be sugar free. Crazily too many yoghurts include the sugar which is the root cause of so much of our stomach pain. Check the label.
  • Mint tea : this is another traditional natural remedy that really does work quickly. And it’s most effective with 10 or so fresh mint leaves seeped for 3 or 4 minutes in boiled water. So grow yourself a little kitchen pot of mint from cuttings – it’s super simple and you can always have some to hand. Getting into the habit of drinking mint tea after a meal can really help to relieve chronic stomach aches.
Instant Remedies for Stomach Ache
  • Chamomile tea : if you suspect your stomach ache is connected to stress and anxiety try drinking chamomile tea. It works as a natural remedy as it helps to relax our mind and our gut and breaks the stress cycle between the two. You can make your own chamomile tea with both dried and fresh flowers and its super easy to grow in a pot.
  • Golden milk : aka as turmeric tea or latte, golden milk is a traditional Indian recipe for stomach aches and indigestion that uses the amazing powers of turmeric to really sooth our gut and provide ongoing relief for all sorts of symptoms.
  • Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice & turmeric : this next natural remedy doesn’t work for everybody as it’s quite acidic but other people swear by it, so definitely worth giving it a go if you’re not suffering with acid reflux. Just combine a desert spoon of live apple cider vinegar, a little lemon juice and half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of warm water and sip down. It’s a bit hard core but the apple cider helps to reestablish healthy bacteria in our gut.
  • Sore tummy smoothie : I totally love this smoothie if I get a really sore tummy in the holiday season from all that sugar, alcohol, caffeine and stress. I can’t recommend it enough. I adapted my recipe – omitting coconut water and adding avocado – from this one by Happy Healthy Mama. It really does sooth the angriest tummy.

So there you go seven natural, quick remedies for stomach ache and indigestion that give instant relief to everything from bloating to heartburn and help build long term gut health to relieve chronic stomach pain.

I do hope they help. Let me know how you get on. And for more simple, natural remedies follow me on Pinterest and check out these tips:

Natural Remedies For Indigestion Photo: Indische Gewürze auf einem Holzlöffel by Marco Verch under Creative Commons 2.0 Photo: Homemade whipping cream on a spoon close up by Marco Verch under Creative Commons 2.0

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