It’s a constant battle isn’t it?
Stacking pans. So you can get one out.
Without them ALL crashing down.
Pan lids toppling everywhere.
But we must have THE perfect pan for each job.
And somehow end up with 10. Or 20.
When most of us can’t fit MORE than four on our stove at any one time.
AND actually use the same four over and over.
So today we’re going to focus on pans.
And spot any we’re ready to let go.
If you’re following along with my quick daily declutter, read on. BUT if you’re new do hop back and read how just 10 things can help you declutter easily.
Just 10 Things – Pans
As always …
… we’re sticking to our 5 golden rules …
- Take 5 minutes or so – 15 minutes MAX
- Focus on our pans
- Open our eyes to all the unused ones
- And without yanking stuff out
- Spot anything we’re ready to let go
And keep our eyes peeled for:
- Rusty pans
- Pans with broken handles
- Odd lids that don’t fit
- Or even lids we never use – I had a massive frying pan lid that just got in the way
- Forgotten ones someone could enjoy better
- Those still in the box!
And let go of any of these pans we will be happier without …
- Sauce pans
- Frying pans
- Steamer
- Wok
- Poacher
- Pasta pan
- Pressure cooker
- Skillet
- Preserving pan
- Griddle
Put all the things you’re letting go into your charity box to give away at the end of the week.
Or if you prefer pop it on your sell list.
Remember you might not let 10 things to today. It might be one pan. And two lids.
But it all adds up. Day by day.
Our daily 5 minute focus opens our eyes to all the unused stuff we’ve stopped noticing.
But for an extra little nudge read on.
A Little Nudge
Common mental blocks when we’re letting go of pans are:
- It helps to have the right pan for the right job
- I do use it now and again
Let’s gently question these beliefs.
It helps to have the right pan for the job
Better tools can make a difference to cooking.
BUT like so much in life it’s a balance …
- Is that little advantage worth the disadvantage of storage?
- Or do I value space more?
- Would I truly notice the difference?
I do use it now and again
We have some pans – our jam pan – we use lots for short bursts. It’s staying.
But for pans like this, it’s worth asking:
- How could I make do?
- Could I borrow one for a bit if I did need?
- Could I share one?